This initiative was born out of a single belief — that the world’s most pressing challenges cannot be solved by isolated efforts. They require the courage of collaboration, the power of shared understanding, and the humility to recognize the value each of us brings to the table.

We are a diverse community of social entrepreneurs working in fields that are as varied as they are vital: climate change, education, poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, sustainability, and community development.

Each of us is tackling issues that are daunting, complex, and often deeply intertwined. But what unites us is a shared purpose — the drive to create lasting change and to make this world a better place for future generations.

Yet, for all the passion and energy we bring, we sometimes find ourselves performing as solo artists — separated by our different focus areas, strategies, and experiences. And in doing so, we miss out on a powerful opportunity: to learn from each other, to support each other, and to amplify our collective impact. We are here to breakdown those barriers, fostering a deeper appreciation for each other’s work, and building bridges across our respective missions.

Imagine the possibilities when a climate activist learns from an educator about how to engage the next generation of young leaders. Or when a social entrepreneur focused on women’s empowerment collaborates with someone addressing poverty to create new pathways to economic independence for women. Imagine the insights that could emerge when a sustainability advocate partners with a community worker to design solutions that are not just environmentally sound but deeply rooted in the community’s unique context.

When we come together like this — not just to network, but to truly see and understand each other — we realize that our individual battles are part of a greater shared struggle.

And in that realization, we gain strength, inspiration, and resilience. Our work is no longer just about what we do within our own spaces but about how we contribute to a broader tapestry of change.

This is a space for us to share our stories, our challenges, and our successes. It is an opportunity to celebrate the incredible efforts of a fellow changemaker who might be working on the other side of the world, or just around the corner. It’s a chance to connect with someone who speaks a different language of change but dreams the same dream: a world that is more just, more equitable, and more sustainable for all.

Because when a woman in a rural village gains access to education, it is not just a victory for gender equality — it is a victory for sustainable development, for poverty alleviation, and for community empowerment.

As we embark on this journey together, let’s embrace the spirit of shared learning and mutual support. Let’s pledge to listen, to appreciate, and to champion each other’s work, knowing that each one of us holds a piece of the puzzle. Because when social entrepreneurs unite — when climate warriors, educators, women’s rights advocates, poverty fighters, and sustainability champions stand together — we do more than just amplify our voices. We create a powerful movement that can transform societies, inspire communities,i nflunce policy and change the world.

Thank you for being here today, for bringing your courage, your passion, and your vision. I am excited to see what we will achieve together as we deepen our understanding and strengthen our bonds. Because the best way to predict a better future is to create it!

building bridges 2024





za 28 september 2024


Van der Valk Hotel

Verlengde Stellingweg 1

1511 MA, Oostzaan